2kg Mick’s beef short ribs
1/4cup paprika
1 tablespoon chili powder
1 tablespoon ground cumin
1 tablespoon brown sugar
1 tablespoon salt
2 teaspoons cayenne pepper
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1 Bottle of Beerenburg StickyRib Sauce

Steps 1-3 can be done up to a few days in advance or you can do it all in one afternoon
To cook the ribs:
1. Place all of the ingredients(except the ribsand sauce)in a mixingbowl and stir tocombine. Place the ribs in a baking dish and arrange themso they are oneevenlayer.Rub the spice mixture on all sides of the ribs and cover the dish withaluminium foil. (At this point, you can roast the ribs immediately, but for the bestflavour and texture, refrigerate them for up to 24 hours.)
2.Heat the oven to150° and arrange a rack in the middle. (If you rubbed the ribs inadvance, remove them from the refrigeratorso they come up to room temp)
3.Place the ribs in the oven and roast until fork-tender, about 2 hours.
ToFinish the Ribs
2. Heat the oven to150° and arrange a rack in the middle. (If you rubbed the ribs inadvance, remove them from the refrigeratorso they come up to room temp)
5. Place the ribs on the grill and brush them with some of the sauce. Close the lid foraround5 minutes. Turn the ribs, brush with sauce, cover, and cook another 5minutes. Turnand brush every 5 minutes until the ribs are heated through, around20 minutesor 5 or 6 times.
Serve with your favourite winter side, mine would be green beans and crunchy potato